ep el presidente de eeuu donald trump

The Ibex 35 falls 1%, to 6,659 points, after Donald Trump's positive for coronavirus, which has stressed financial markets. American futures fall more than 1.5%, because investors believe that this news reduces the chances of the current president to stay in the White House.

  • 11.327,700
  • 0,25%

In addition, at 74, "Trump is in the age and weight category that places him in the highest risk groups, when it comes to health, and the market and public discourse" will focus their attention on this matter, RaboBank experts say.

In Spain, negative sentiment continues due to the second wave of the pandemic and the political chaos between the central government and Madrid due to the confinement of the capital and the 9 largest municipalities in the community.

At the business level, Telefónica is considering reducing its stake in Telxius and making cash. An investment (it controls practically 50% of the shareholders) that is valued at more than 6bn euros, according to its latest Renta 4 Banco report. In this way, Telxius would be around 12bn, while Telefónica's capitalization is currently around 15.3bn euros.

Furthermore, Duro Felguera has proposed to SEPI that it enter its capital with 40% and ACS negotiates the sale of its industrial subsidiary Cobra to the French giant Vinci.

All this in a day in which investors will be pending, economically, on the September Employment Report in the United States. The consensus anticipates the creation of 875,000 jobs, which would help close the gap in jobs lost to Covid.

"Risks may be slightly to the upside, according to this week's ADP report. However, initial strike calls made it clear once again that we are far from getting back to normal. Will it move the markets? Maybe not that much, given that the focus now is more on the coronavirus and stimuli, "says RaboBank.

On the stimulus, even though the Democrats have approved a plan of 2.2 trillion dollars in the House of Representatives, the Republicans are expected to block it in the Senate, since their goal is to pass a plan at most 1, 5 trillion.

In other markets, Brent oil falls 2.5% to $ 39.88, while the euro depreciates 0.2% and changes to $ 1.1724. In addition, the profitability of the 10-year Spanish bond stands at 0.24% and the risk premium at 77 points.

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