Is the Catalan problem over? The Ibex rises more than 1.5% and walks towards the 10,400

The selective reacts after Mariano Rajoy announced elections for December on Friday night

  • Now it will be necessary to see what the response of the former Government and the rest of Catalan officials to the orders of the Executive
Bolsamania | 30 oct, 2017 11:26
cbibex35 bolsa

The Ibex is quoted on Monday with rises above 1.5% and walks to 10,400 points (10,352 points). This, after Friday night Mariano Rajoy, President of the Government, and confirmed that the Government of the Generalitat is dissolved and, above all, that there will be elections in Catalonia on 21 December.

  • 0,58%65,50
  • Max: 11.412,40
  • Min: 11.323,60
  • Volume: -
  • MM 200 : 10.093,09
16:46 05/06/24

However, this Monday proliferate the hypotheses about how the measures announced Friday by the President of the Government and especially how to proceed to "intercept" any movement against such measures that could come from the cessation Government of the Generalitat. In any case, what seems to be that, after this Friday, has written a point and separate in the Catalan conflict ... but not a point and final.

Outside the macro-policy issue, investors are still pending micro-news, which this Monday passes through the results of Bankia. The entity chaired by José Ignacio Goirigolzarri has achieved a profit of 739 million euros until September, 1% more. Last week, the rest of the main listed banks published figures and all the main representatives of these entities showed up in relation to Catalonia when they were asked in the presentations of the accounts. In general, all indicated that, if the situation is extended in time, will end up impacting on their results (especially from next year). We will have to see what Bankia officials say on this issue on Monday. Out of Spain, HSBC results, which has gained more than $ 4.6 billion in the third quarter.

As for the data calendar of the day, inflation in Spain falls in October to 1.6% for gasoline. In addition, Spain's GDP in the third quarter grew 0.8%, one tenth less than in the previous quarter. Likewise, Euro zone confidence indicators for October will also be released today. In the United States will be known the income and personal expenses of September.
