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The Ibex (+ 0.2%) closes far from highs after a further delay in rate hikes

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 06 jun, 2019 10:02 - Actualizado: 06 jun, 2019

The Ibex started the session with strong gains, but closed with slight increases of 0.2% to 9,169.20 points, after the European Central Bank (ECB) delayed, for the second time this year, its guidance on interests. The organism has announced that there will be no movements in the rates, at least, until the middle of next year. The banks were positive, but they have turned around after hearing this news. In fact, Sabadell was up 2% but closed with a 5% cut; while BBVA and Santander also rose 2% and fell by 0.7% and 1%, respectively.