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The Ibex rises 0.1% after the collapse of the services sector and falls 2.9% in the week

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 03 abr, 2020 09:46 - Actualizado: 03 abr, 2020

The Ibex 35 has risen 0.11%, to 6,581.60 points, in a week that has been marked by poor macro data and by the recovery in oil. While last week it was the strong economic measures taken to curb the virus that stood out, during this week there have been fewer announcements of measures and more weighing to what extent the coronavirus is impacting and will impact the economy. In parallel, crude oil has been a clear protagonist, with a very strong rebound caused by Donald Trump's intervention in the price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia. Brent crude oil shoots up 11% to $ 33.42.