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The Ibex loses the 9,100 points in its worst run since 2017

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 09 may, 2019 10:01 - Actualizado: 09 may, 2019

The Ibex 35 fell 1.43% this Thursday losing the 9,100 points, closing in red for the sixth consecutive day and marking its worst run since November 2017. In the accumulated falls of the week we have dropped around 3.5 % affected (along with other markets) due to growing concerns regarding the collapse of the trade negotiations between the US-China. In fact, the setbacks of this session have been accentuated after the last words of Donald Trump, who at a rally on Wednesday confirmed his intention to raise tariffs on China this Friday. "China has broken the agreement and now has to pay for it," the US president said, ratifying the words of his officials earlier in the week. The rest of European stocks also fell over 1% and Wall Street has started the day where Europe leaves off.