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The Ibex, to the sound of Inditex and without losing sight of the Fed

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 16 sep, 2020 09:37 - Actualizado: 16 sep, 2020

On Monday and Tuesday the Ibex moved to the beat of Inditex. On Monday the textile faltered due to a cut from Morgan Stanley, and the selective noticed it. This Tuesday Inditex rose sharply after H&M published its results and shot up in the stock market, and the Spanish index ended with increases of more than 1% and above 7,000 points. Today, Wednesday, the company has published results (it earns 214 million in the second quarter) and it will be necessary to see if it collects them with significant movements and how this is replicated in the Ibex (futures are flat at this time). These figures are one of the key quotes of the session.