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The Ibex closes flat in a day of transition and little movement

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 22 jun, 2021 09:25 - Actualizado: 22 jun, 2021

The Ibex 35 has risen 0.02%, to 9,053.30 points, while the rest of the European stock markets have also traded without a defined trend, in a day of transition and little movement. Within the selective, the decreases in REE have stood out due to the negative rating from Deutsche Bank, and the falls of Ferrovialal Citi reiterate its sale rating. On the positive side, positive values were led by Meliá, PharmaMar and Bankinter. In the Continuous Market, Codere has exploded by merging Codere Online with a SPAC that will be listed on Wall Street; and Talgo has rebounded after publishing FundNews that it will receive a takeover bid from CAF at 6 euros per share in the coming months.