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The Ibex recovers the 8,200 six sessions later thanks to tourism and banks

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 23 feb, 2021 09:47 - Actualizado: 23 feb, 2021

The Ibex 35 has rebounded 1.73%, to 8,252 points, and ended the session very close to the highs of the day after closing Monday with losses of 0.48%, to 8,112 points. The most positive catalyst is the rise in tourist values ​​(Amadeus, IAG, Aena, Meliá), due to EasyJet's good holiday forecasts. In addition, the securities closely affected by the economic cycle, such as Inditex and banks, have also increased their profits as the day passes. On the negative side, the values ​​associated with renewable energies and the decline in electricity have stood out. Notably, the Ibex has clearly led the gains in the European stock markets.