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The Ibex consolidates the 8,600 points driven by Grifols, Iberdrola and Ferrovial

Bolsamanía | Bolsamania | 08 abr, 2021 09:29 - Actualizado: 08 abr, 2021

The Ibex 35 rose 0.47%, to 8,637.80 points; and it has approached annual highs as the world's major stock exchanges (Dax, Stoxx 600, Dow Jones, S&P 500) have come to a halt along the way after hitting all-time highs. In Europe, chaos continues around the AstraZeneca vaccine, whose use has been suspended in Spain for those under 60 years of age, while the situation of the pandemic in general, and of vaccines in particular, continues to be worrying in the Old Continent . In Italy, authorities confirmed 13,700 new cases and more than 620 deaths from Covid on Wednesday.