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Los Sensores Velodyne Lidar Potencian Hovermap de Emesent para Volar Más Allá de la Línea de VisiónEmesent?s Autonomy Level 2 (AL2) technology for Hovermap uses Velodyne?s lidar sensors to provide real-time perception and high-quality, accurate 3D data. (Photo: Emesent)Emesent?s Hovermap, equipped with Velodyne?s Puck LITE sensor, can fly a mission and within minutes capture high resolution lidar point clouds and imagery. (Graphic: Emesent)Emesent?s Autonomy Level 2 (AL2) technology for Hovermap, using Velodyne?s lidar sensors, enables companies to rapidly map, navigate and collect data in challenging inaccessible environments such as mines, civil construction works, telecommunications infrastructure and disaster response environments. (Photo: Emesent)

BusinessWire | 30 jul, 2020 16:14